Dog Miraculously Loses 100 Pounds

Kai is a Golden Retriever who weighed over 170 pounds. He was 100 pounds overweight, and his fur mom, Pam, described him as a table with little legs stuffed underneath his massive body.

Pam shared with The Dodo that no picture could ever justify how enormous Kai is. Pam took her dog to the vet, and the doctors admitted that Kai was the fattest dog they ever saw.

The doctors said that Kai should lose about 100 pounds for him to achieve his ideal weight. Pam knew that it would take dedication and tons of patience to help Kai, but she was determined to help him get better.

173-Pound Dog Loses More Than Half His Weight

Watch this 173-pound golden retriever lose 100 pounds!

Posted by The Dodo on Monday, April 8, 2019

Pam shared that Kai’s previous owners took him to the vet to have their dog put down because they saw how the obese dog was struggling to get up. However, the doctors did not agree to euthanize Kai because they felt that he still had a lot of life in him.

Kai’s vet searched for a foster mom that was willing to take on the challenging role of helping the dog lose weight. Pam recalled it took Kai about twenty minutes to get up the three flights of stairs into their house when they first arrived in their home.

Pam admitted to the vet that she does not know what to do to help Kai. However, the doctor believed in Pam and said that anything she does for Kai would be a great help.

Pam started taking Kai for morning walks and recalled that her dog would pant and immediately lay down on the ground as soon as he was done taking a couple of steps. Fortunately, Pam worked as a nurse and had experience working in cardiac rehab, so she used her knowledge to help Kai lose weight.

Pam put Kai on a strict dietary regimen for an entire year to make sure that her dog would gradually lose his excess weight. Kai reached 70 pounds after following a healthy weight loss program for 12 months, and Pam officially adopted Kai because of the amazing bond they formed together.

Source: The Dodo via Facebook

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